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Nyororin (Offline)
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08-27-2009, 05:24 AM

I honestly can`t think of anything I`d be willing to do so for. Not because I don`t have greed or desires, but rather the opposite. What would be the point of receiving something if I lack the means to enjoy it?
Like, right now and for the past 15 years, there is someone who I want dead. I mean this with all seriousness, and it`s not for anything trivial. If there were no unpleasant consequences for me taking their life, I would with absolutely NO hesitation. But there are unpleasant consequences, and I`m too selfish to give up a chunk of my life to prison... Even if the act of killing them would be worth it in it`s own way. So as it is, I wait for the day I can feel joy from hearing they died.
Sell my "soul" for this? No chance. What would be the point, as their death (while I`m completely sure it would make the world a better place...) would be for my own personal satisfaction. Lacking "soul" or "emotions" as it was put - where would the joy be after they died? If you want something to happen for a selfish reason, it is because you want an outcome that will please you. Lacking the ability to enjoy the outcome makes it pointless.

The same with saving loved ones. I`m not so selfless as to want people to live to better the world. If I would want that desperately to protect/save them - it would be out of personal interest. In other words, selfishness. Which loops back to the expectation of being pleased afterward.

I could probably come up with a beautiful list of things to sell my soul for which would make me sound noble - My son`s health, protecting my family, etc - but it would be a lie, as I`m way too selfish to actually do it for any of those.

If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.
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