08-27-2009, 05:31 AM
honestly... (and seriously for the first time in this thread o.O") i don't think that 'punishment' is always the key approach towards raising a child~
i believe that 'respect' is what matters more >.>
developing a mutual respect betwen the parent and child and the child with society, as opposed to instiling a fear x.x
when you 'discipline' a child for unruly behaviour, i personally feel that it's done for the wrong reason. like, when you spank the little bugger, you want him to know that his action was wrong or socially unacceptable. rather than to fear the action or the consequence of the action~ because typically, the way i see it, one of 2 things happen x.x
firstly, when the bugger gets the chance, he'll do what he can to do the same thing again, but behind your back
secondly, the brat might be a wee too fearful of potential consequences and..... that's not a very fun childhood >.>''
anywho =P
if a child is taught to respect the adult, rather than to fear or rebel against the adult, i think it might lead to a more proper raising >.>
i mean.... eventually, a person's gonna be whatever that person's gonna grow up to be~ fears will grow old, and be overcome, and rebellions may grow worse or slacken >.>'''
but if a child doesn't grow up to respect his parent~ that's something that's gonna be a total pain in the arse to develop when he's older
In the shadows beneath the trees he waits.
In the darkness under the moon he plots
In the silence of the night he kills.