Thread: Teen Rights?
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Tenchu (Offline)
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08-27-2009, 03:21 PM

I'm sure a lot of you young ones probably don't realize the rights you have... which is pretty much total freedom.

Someone telling you that you have to do something, it doesn't mean you have to. No one can tell you what to do aside your parents and police officers, pretty much. That includes teachers.

I remember when I was 14, just before I quit school. My mother got a new boyfriend. He used to be a teacher who dealt with "problem" children, rebels. Before that, he was a herion junkie. So he was pretty cool.

I told him the bullshit that was going on at my school, he just laughed and told me to ignore the stupid teachers and tell them I don't have to listen to them.

Main problem was I kept getting harassed for not wearing school uniform. Turns out, in Australia, it isn't compulsory. Diversity laws protect you, and you're allowed to wear whatever you want. Also, detentions are illegal; you're required by law to have a break from work every few hours or whatnot, anyway. They can't expel or suspend you, either; no one has the right to refuse a child a public education (of course, if you get expelled for violence, it may be a different case if you're considered a threat to others).

Everything teachers say is optional. You don't have to do it. They just try and make you coz kids are dumb.

Gottas watch those cops, as well. If you do get in shit when you know you've done something wrong, never answer any questions until both your parents and lawyer are present; the only reason they ask you questions is because they want to get it in quick on tape before the lawyer gets here so they can use it against you. They'll never ask you any questions without the intention of using them against you, so just tell them to fu*k off until lawyer arrives.

The eternal Saint is calling, through the ages she has told. The ages have not listened; the will of faith has grown old…

For forever she will wander, for forever she withholds; the Demon King is on his way, you’d best not be learned untold…
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