Thread: Teen Rights?
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JF Ossan
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08-27-2009, 04:57 PM

Originally Posted by thcuteness View Post
Do you feel like you don't have enough rights as a teen? Do feel as you have been treated unfairly at school or anywhere? Have you ever been stripped search because of un-fair drug accusations? Or been denied freedom of speech? What your opinion on teen rights, what rights do you think you or they withheld, do you think its fair or un-fair the way teens are treated at school or anywhere else? I want honest opinions and that if its ok with you do i have permission to use your post in my school report?

Thank you.
I am curious as to what "rights" you are talking about.

Most of the times when a right is taken away from a student it is actually given the other students around him the "right" to go to school in a safe environment, which is the number one priority for many schools and teachers.

Here is a good example:

More children from Dove World Outreach Center sent home for wearing Islam is of the Devil shirts | | The Gainesville Sun | Gainesville, FL

In Florida some students want to wear shirts that say "Islam is from the Devil" in big letters. The schools sent them home. They say "You have taken away my freedom of speech". So was the school taking away rights, or protecting the rights of non-Christian students to be educated in a safe environment?

There are two sides to every story.
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