Originally Posted by iPhantom
I'm not a fanboy at all. I've been a Sony fanboy for years dude, I can see where Sony is coming.
You're the fanboy worshipping Sony even when it failed. Hanging around at Sony's forums doesn't help at all.
I own both consoles as well so your point is invalid. My 360 never broke. I enjoy it a lot more than my PS3. And it was cheaper.
P.S: You don't have to tell me failure rates, I know them... I just pointed out your logic on saying Microsoft sucks at hardware is that of a tech-retarded dude. Go check some hardware Microsoft makes for PCs before you say such BS.
Im not a fanboy, im just saying the true. I support all console, unlike you I dont hang around in Sony forums only: I go to many forums. I havent seen any MS hardware. All I see is MS sofware in many computers from other companies. I never said that all 360 brake, but that the majority do. Mine hasnt brake.