Ikaga desu ka!?
Posts: 585
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: My own Private Island ^^.
08-28-2009, 07:04 AM
Originally Posted by Tenchu
It's become apparent you know nothing about martial arts.
There are no "rules" in Muay Thai outside the ring; you can do what you want.
There would probably be more moves in Muay Thai than Karate, given the stacks of clinching if you want to go there.
Regardless, it isn't about how many techniques you know, or even what techniques you know. It's about strength, speed, power, reflexes, timing, strategy and attitude.
Thinking the way you do, it's clearly blaming the tools when you should be blaming the craftsman.
What are the four basic movment you're talking about? That doesn't ring any bells whatsoever...
I know this is going to spark a Flame war but its something that needs to be said, sorry Mods. We just can’t stand this anymore. Senortiy over education. Personal life should always be sperated from your opinion because your opinion becaomes bias. Is JF really so low that you must keep these people who start flame wars every second they log on?. What is going on?.
How can you really say that? Just because your bias about what you believe in?.
Honestly your shit Tenchu, you say this and that, you say “I believe this because someone told me it. Because my MASTER said it was true”. Boxing and Muay Thai are tool sports mad4e for a ring because they expect the other person not to hit them below the belt. In the past you even said that you believed in “rules”, no hitting below the belt, no groin shots, no guns, etc. You’re such a tool.
Arguing about what you believe to a total stranger.
You say you went through sooooo much during training yet you have time to corrupt your training with jealousy and hate. I know personally that you are shit, the way you fight. You are weak. If you weren’t then you wouldn’t be on here talking/logging on everyday saying “I lost because . . .”. Excuses Excuses. Tenchu it’s amazing that you and Ronin made it so far but then again on the computer you don’t really need to make your point clear. You and Ronin are tools for society, saying you’re different yet you do the same thing as teenagers and each other.
It’s pathetic.
You are not a fighter.
You’re just another crazy asshole white person raising hell because you are proven wrong, making up excuses. There are no other moves in Muay Thai other than the 1234 conditioning moves (Proven in your own video post).
You always say “They let you win because you are a foreigner”, yet some how you forget the color of your own skin.
Maybe just maybe they know you’re just another know it all white guy who traveled to Thai land wanting to learn a martial art just like those people who try getting a tattoo in another language. They want to have “Honor” tattooed into their arm yet the people they ask steer them another way just like cattle (just like you in this case).
I and others on here are tired of you and Ronins “high and mighty” attitudes when really you’re nothing to this world. If you died no one would give a shit. It would just be “What happened to that guy who liked little girls?”. I’ve watched and read every one of your posts and they are pathetic. Saying you have Morality, Honor, Respect, yet you do not display any of those characteristics on the computer. “Saying” is different from “Actions”.
I'm not racist . . . I hate everyone equally.