Thread: Teen Rights?
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yuujirou (Offline)
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08-28-2009, 07:42 AM

Rights?.... What are these... 'rights' you speak of? o.o'
Do you mean the freedom to express individuality and to freely communicate personal thoughts and ideas? As in the 1sth Amendment of the constitution?
Or the right to bear arms? As interpreted in Family Guy as the right to bear arms?
Or what of the 4th amendment? Protection from searches, arrests, etc. w/o probable cause? x.x''
And the 5th amendment? The right to a fair trial? :3
Hmm.. never heard :3
Never knew such things existed~
Always figured that 'the man' always did as he pleases and that all those inferior were to bend to his every whim >.>'''
Never have I fathomed such possibilities >.>''
Atleast not in High School o.o'

But enough of this one's silliness~
I'm a fickle bastard :3
I abuse whatever rights come my way to my own benefit.
I hide behind the 1st amendment when I choose to~ yet shut others up by expressing offense to their opinions.
I forbid anyone to search me for the lack of a probable cause~ Yet I always find a reason to interrogate others~ and when no reason exists~ I make on up ^_^
A fair trial?~ Of course :3 I always demand a fair trial~ for myself ^_^
But for others~ there's no such thing as fairness~ Being fair is to drop my testament in a resolution so absolute that a sane person would find it impossiblly illogical and absurdly unreasonable~
Haha~ I love this system~ So many ways to abuse it <3

Looks like I ended up being silly anyway =P
Guess I don't take rights all to seriously because they're never properly enforced as everyone has his/her own interpretation >.>''

In the shadows beneath the trees he waits.
In the darkness under the moon he plots
In the silence of the night he kills.
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