Originally Posted by YuriTokoro
Could you correct my English?
"Election Day"
I went and voted today.
Japan has been under the Liberal Democratic Party(LDP) regime since 1994. They have issued too many government bonds, and collapsed the social insurance and pension systems.
Now, the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) is trying to take over. They promise to revive the deeply troubled economy.
Both parties say they will do things successfully, so I have got leaflets of their political views.
The contents seem to be almost the same. My focus is on the appearances of the leaflets themselves.
The DPJ is a paper folded in the middle, and contains four pages. It doesn’t look too expensive, and the four pages are enough to know what they will do. It appears to show an efficient spending of money.
On the other hand, The LDP’s leaflet has 20 pages including the cover. The paper quality is better than the DPJ’s so initial impression is good.
However, the contents were not easily understandable or clear. The same descriptions are repeated on multiple pages. Also, there is no table of contents. I needed a lot of time to understand the ideas the leaflet presented. I judged that this was a waste of paper and money. This, to me, means that the LDP will be unable to quit their wasteful use of tax revenue. They don’t seem to be smart.
It’s 1:30 pm, August 30, 2009. The result of the vote will be announced tonight.
Thank you.
Some news about the election has appeared on Canadian news stations already. They mainly concentrate on how such a change in Japanese politics will affect the balance of power in the region (especially concerning North Korea and China). Based on early indications, I conclude most of the opinions I've seen are based on the fear of the unknown that comes from a lack of control of the political landscape. Fifteen years of same-party policies can establish some bad habits, as your examination of the LDP's pamphlet shows.
Most of the revisions, again, were to move around or merge ideas together to aid in quicker understanding of concepts. The main change made was to change the sentence that contained "flaming" to a description of the time needed to understand the central ideas of the LDP's pamphlet.
Hope that helps, Yuri.