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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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08-30-2009, 06:07 AM

Originally Posted by Orochitachi View Post
Hi all , I was currently searching through my country's bookstore and found no sign of any learn Japanese books. Quite bad review for bookstore's here I'd say. Of course I am aware that books can be purchased online, but considering I have no credit card, it's not possible; furthermore I'll also need a US address or reside somewhere in Europe. A bit shameful if you ask me.

So if by chance you have any new or used Japanese learning books, that you no longer need and your bookshelves have become overwhelmed by. And you have the desire to help a bro out!

please post a reply.

Domo arigatou!

If you do bittorrent, I know at least one of the "big three" textbooks (Genki, Minna, Yookoso) is torrented in a major location. I normally wouldn't say anything, but if the books are legitimately not available where you are, I don't think anyone is being harmed.

Be aware it's possibly illegal where you are, though.
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