Originally Posted by minminRW
You are the one who has missed the point.
Whaling is restricted by IWC. Amount of hunting dolphin is also restricted by Japanese government. So you can blame Japan and IWC. Likewise we can blame Australia.
We are discussing whether hunting wild animal is wrong or not, the matter of target we have to protest is another thing.
What are we blaming Australia for? I don't quite understand what you're getting at.
Hunting a wild animal is not wrong provided that the animal is hunted ethically and with regard for the ecosystem. Whale's were close to extinct before and the fear is that hunting whale could make them close to extinct again.
The IWC ruling on commercial whaling is the very international consensus I was talking about.
Originally Posted by minminRW
This is just as much as tyranny by major group.
Call it what you want. (I'd call it democratic) But that's just the way the world works. The only way Japan could persuade the rest of the international community to reconsider is via a reasoned appeal to convince other IWC members to overturn the ban. Even in Japan, the whaling ban is only controversial to Japanese nationalists and conservatives. This issue is not about the world telling Japan what to do. It's about the world taking a vote and the majority of the international community outlawed whaling on the open seas.
Originally Posted by minminRW
Commercial whaling must be controlled instead of inhibited.
Many data shows that some kind of whales are increasing.
No because allowing Japan to hunt whale would mean allowing other countries to whale. Furthermore, whatever controls Japan or other countries put in place are not guaruntees that they will be observed. After all, when money is involved, corporations look to cut corners and look for loopholes (just like the how they exploit the loophole in the IWC ruling that allows for "scientific whaling"). That is not a risk that the international community is willing to take.
Originally Posted by minminRW
Once western people overhunted whales and had no other choice to decrease the amount. They quit whaling as petroleum products replaced whale oil. Afterward whaling was outlawed.
Whatever the reasons. It's irrelevant. The point is that in the West something was done.