Originally Posted by Tsuruneru
Is it a problem putting things kanji?
1. それ would be used to refer to something you have experience with but I don't. For example, when talking of a vacation you went on that I did not, you'd say その旅は楽しかった。 If I'd gone with you, you would say あの旅は楽しかった。 Analogically, you should have used あれ instead. But I don't think that's even necessary here. Remember that Japanese is a subject-deleting language (that's not the right term...maybe our semi-resident amateur linguist can chime in with the proper terminology?).
2. You misordered 漢字 and 問題 to end up saying something like "kanji having to deal with problems" rather than "kanji problem." You would want 問題 close to the end of the phrase.
3. What you said was more like, "Is that a thing having to do with the insertion of things having to do with kanji that deal with problems?"
Try something like
Isn't it's a problem with the usage of kanji?
Nice try. Practice is what makes perfect, and the fact that you're willing to make attempts, even anonymously over the Internet, means you are more likely to improve!
And now I'd like to pose a question to any natives in the crowd right now: Would 漢字使用問題 be permissible as a newspaper-type headline for this topic? I don't know what else to call these, but I'm always trying to perfect my "headline style" Japanese. For example, this comes right out of today's 毎日新聞:
痴漢容疑:税務署員逮捕、電車内で ガンダム像見に来京中
A pair of hiragana and "Gundam."