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08-31-2009, 05:45 PM

Originally Posted by komitsuki View Post
It has been like this in Japan for over a half of century. I'm very happy that the LDP is dead because it's a solid relic of pre-1945 Japan. Majority of influential LDP politicians are known to have some close connections with wartime Imperial Japan politics.

When Japan kicks out some prominent politicians, there is a good room for stable reformation in South Korea. Actually a lot of South Koreans are happy that DPJ takes over Japan because there is a better justification to kick that corrupted president and other politicians (usu. historically affiliated with Imperial Japan from their forefathers) out of South Korea.

This recent Japanese election is the greatest blessing for South Korea. Thank you, Japan.
You are assuming that they are going to do a good job and do whats best for the people. Like i said i reserve judgement until they show they not only know what they are doing but they are capable of doing it. Next year doing elections if the populace is not happy it could all turn around again and we could see a power shift.

Too early to tell but if things go south for this admin you bet South Korea will be effected as well.

Last edited by Sinestra : 08-31-2009 at 05:51 PM.
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