Originally Posted by jron
Sorry, I guess I'm just still in shock from the whole thing..
But yes, I got away from the computer. I spent almost 3 of the past 12 months in Japan to be with this woman over 4 separate trips.. Her son even came to stay with me and study English for the Japanese summer (1 month) and they just left on friday. So its all very, maybe too, fresh for me to be objective..
I'm not sure what you meant by "interesting pics" but assuming they were of a decent nature, perhaps you should confront her regarding those pictures. I mean, it's not unreasonable to assume that she has at least a few male friends.
I've dated many Canadians and tons of Japanese over the years and let me tell you. It doesn't matter where they're from! Don't waste your time trying to figure out a pattern or logical explanation for the things they do.