k. I'm back. I give up trying to figure which one, so I'll post them all.
YouTube - 楊宗緯 Aska Yang Zhong Wei - 洋蔥 yang cong (Pinyin)
YouTube - 杨宗纬 - 让 (Aska Yang Zhong Wei - Rang)
YouTube - 楊宗緯"鴿子"MV
(though it might not have been any of these)
oh... Pexster..
I'm glad you enjoyed the Kibum/Donghae vid...
and now for some Sungmin
(volume needs to be turned up for these)
Sungmin and chocolate
YouTube - Sungmin and Chocolate Cake
in back seat while Leeteuk drives
YouTube - Super Junior EeTeuk Driving