Originally Posted by andylaurel
Rikaichan browser dictionary has it as...
(exp) bloody fool!
I've not heard of the ひ into し before.
I know lots of words are changed by men of all ages for example;
暑い - あっちいな
さむい - さみーな
高い - たけぇー!
わからない - わかんねぇぇ
なんとかじゃない - なんとかじゃねぇし
I could go on for pages but in short, I asked my girl friend about べらんめえ and she went of about the Edo period and how it's not called that.
Interesting topic though.
It's called べらんめえ口調 for sure. I'm going to guess we're talking about something else.
べらんめえくちょう【べらんめえ口調】の意味 国語辞典 - goo辞書