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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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09-02-2009, 04:40 AM

Originally Posted by YoshimiTheEthereal View Post
I have a few of questions I am curious about.

1.) Do people in Japan have middle names?

2.) How are nicknames created?

3.) What does "kichi" mean added onto a name? Like if someone is named "Teru" and he is called "Terukichi"?

Thank you!
1) no
2) various ways, it's hard to state a single, short rule because there are multiple ways—can you tell me how nicknames in English are made? John->Jimmy? William->Billy? For example, I had a good friend in Japan named ふみや and one of the first days I met him we were making some gangster jokes or something and I called him ふみやろう in front of our entire tennis team and the nickname stuck. Probably was just the humor of a foreigner calling him やろう, though...
3) 吉: Edit Nagoyankee explains it better than I.
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