Originally Posted by YukisUke
America is really behind with the animation stuff in general. Sure they make some great movies and all, but it's usually the same thing over and over again. And it's just boring to me. You never get bored with anime and manga because it's always different no matter how many stories or shows are made. That I can get into.
Actually, anime is very much the same thing over and over again. More so than nearly any other type of entertainment I've seen. It doesn't take much looking to find that there is are much used formulas for character design in personality and look. Notice how similar in anime that facial and body expressions (everyone should know this), general stories (like school animes), character design (which makes an anime look like anime), etc. Of course some stand out really well because of this (Ghibly for example).
However! What they've managed to do in anime is find a very attractive style (general anime style) and an attitude formula that people are really attracted to. They stumbled upon something that is easy to watch again and again. Anime mainly keeps that basic attractive formula and then adds a slight twist to make it unique.
I really enjoy anime. But if you start to analyze it, you'll see what you are enjoying. It's not a bad thing, but I won't call anime a different experience every time.