Originally Posted by GTJ
I've got Jiujutsu (the real one, ladies, not this brazilian shit)
Why "brazilian shit ladies"?
Originally Posted by Tenchu
A raised from scratch MMA fighter usually has really shitty striking...
How many "raised from scratch MMA fighters" have you fought?
Originally Posted by Tenchu
If you want to fight UFC then cross train. Yes. But if you want to fight street, best stick with a single style and only briefly train the rest for experience.
What do you base that
opinion on?
Originally Posted by Tenchu
You can rarely ground fight on the street, anyway. Why? Most street fights are against multiple opponents; you'll get your head stomped. When it is against a single opponent, he's usually larger than you; don't wrestle with big guys. The chances of being in a 1 on 1 evenly weighed street fight is much smaller, and even if you are, you could just use striking then.
Also, you don't need to worry about how to counter a professional BJJ master on the street. The chances of getting into a fight with someone trained in that style competantly on the street when you wern't looking for it is 1 in a billion or something.
What do you base that
opinion on?