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Barone1551 (Offline)
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Location: USA
09-03-2009, 04:05 PM

Personally I think this is great idea. If not for the immediate effects, but what this could mean for the future. This is how inventions and new ideas work. Someone has to test it out. This could mean great things for the future. Its forward thinking and innovative and I love that. The only thing I can semi agree with is the money issue.

To the above poster: The reason space is better is becuase they can get at least twice the power from space, than you can from solar panels being on the earths surface. So the same panels that are situated on the surface would generate at least twice the amount of energy if they were floating in orbit.

There are also some problems with putting solar panels in the desert. While it does produce lots of energy, they need lots of up keep to make the useful at all times. The desert is very sandy, as you know, this ruins the productivity of the solar panel. It makes them less effecient. Also the desert is a harsh place, and with things like wind and sand storms, it is very easy to damage these solar panels.

Now there are other solutions to the energy crisis. Things like putting solar panels on abandoned buildings, or outfitting homes with solar energy. Put all these things cost money. And all of these things need one very important thing.... room to put them. This is why I think it is great they are trying to put it in space. You could save so much room by putting the power plant in space. To get the same efficiency on ground level you would need at least 8 square kilometers of room to put solar panels.

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