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(#14 (permalink))
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Barone1551 (Offline)
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Location: USA
09-03-2009, 05:11 PM

I know what you mean, and I have thought of negatives for this situation. If this thing breaks down in space it would be a huge problem and cost lots of money. I get that. I was saying that there isnt a solid solutions that makes perfect sense. They all have negatives and positives. Another negative of the space power plant is the fact that if this does break down, what kind of back up power do you use to power all the homes that were using Space solar panels. How long will it take for these homes to get power again. These, among others, are things I have thought about as potential problems for this space plant. I however feel that innovation and trying to take steps forward is the only way to push the boundaries. And push the boundaries enough to not only try and make a completely renewable source of energy, but also technology itself. We all know that the price of new tech. is insanely expensive, but as the technology gets better, the smaller we can make things, the more powerful we can make things. Someone needs to step up and start making more tech geared toward our environment. I also think this will show other countries the big steps Japan is willing to take to help our environment. I hope things like this will make other countries realize how important renewable energy is. Maybe countries wont take as big of steps as japan is but maybe the will start using more solar panels. Maybe other countries will come up with better solutions, better technology. I just like the fact that Japan is pushing the boundaries and a subject that needs to be pushed. We have know about the declining health of the environment for some time, and relatively nothing has been done.

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