Thread: Pants
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(#26 (permalink))
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Columbine (Offline)
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09-03-2009, 08:24 PM

No idea about dance, but yes, they seem girly to me. And regardless of the cut or complaints if a place is selling a garment using a female model, then it's an item generally intended to be sold to women. unless it's emblazoned with 'unisex' (i don't know, i haven't seen the site), then basically it's women's clothing. Whether you want to stick within those norms is up to you.

vis men's bell-bottoms. If you can't find some to buy, just do it 1960's style. Buy a pair of men's jeans and adapt the bottoms to make your own. It's dead easy. Just whack in a couple of slits, sew in some triangles of cloth. Badda-boom, bell bottoms.
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