Thread: Cross training
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09-04-2009, 04:00 AM

Originally Posted by tksensei View Post
Have you attempted to use it "on the street" and found that you couldn't apply it well?
No. I don't believe anyone has, actually.

It's like this, see; using BJJ against multiple opponents is like relying on professional sprinting to get you across a football field whilst under fire from a rifle squad... it just isn't going to work...

Seriously, how do you honestly expect to use it against multiple opponents? It just isn't possible.

Originally Posted by tksensei View Post
Well, that tells me all I need to know about that opinion...
What the fuck is your problem? Are you blind or something? Need physical experience to have any idea of what the fuck is and is not possible?

Have you ever fought a professional Muay Thai fighter, by any chance?

I find BJJ and MMA guys always try and discredit other peoples skills by the fact they have trouble providing video evidence of it or've never done something. The reason they do it is because they can't defend their own skills cause everyone can see it doesn't work, so they "defend" their skills by attacking the person they're talking with.

Originally Posted by tksensei View Post
Then why the hell would I watch it, let alone rely on it for anything? And are you really telling me that you measure hand skills by some silly Jr. High science project pressure pad toy?
You'd watch it to see the basic striking power of an MMA fighter is usually much lower.

And what do you mean "hand skills"? Same as strike power, it's not difficult to know an MMA fighter will have a poorer defence than a trained striker because they only train for it half as much.

Originally Posted by tksensei View Post
That comment reveals new depths of ignorance.
Why? You must know ground fighting is useless against multiple opponents. So I'll assume you're talking about wrestling a bigger guy:

Unless you're about state champion or something at BJJ, you're going to have a fucking hard time against a guy who's 40 kilo or so bigger than you're.

Not only did I do BJJ briefly, and I felt the difference between smaller and bigger guys. We also do clinching in Muay Thai. The Thai men are mostly half my size. Although their skill dwarfs mine, they'll never throw me. Never. I'm just too big. They can't wrestle me.

But my trainer right now, Ole, he's a former Champion of Thailand. I've never even asked to clinch with him, coz it's just a stupid idea coz I'm 105 kilo and he's about 55 kilo. But in sparring, even with my superior reach, I have trouble hitting him and he can duck in and out of my gaurd like it wasn't even there.

The point is, with striking, the smaller man can still win if he's more skilled. But don't even try to wrestle a larger guy.

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