Thread: Size
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Tenchu (Offline)
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09-04-2009, 04:18 PM

Originally Posted by tksensei View Post
Want to share some of your experiences?
Only with someone who wants to learn.

It's pretty straight forward, anyway. Size in an advantage because of power, strength, reach and the ability to take harder hits.

A smaller person can overcome a larger person, but only if he's a better fighter than him.

You often hear things like "Buawkaw is the best pound for pound fighter in the world" - this means Buawkaw is the most talented, but larger fighters would still be able to beat him regardless because talent is not everything.

For each extra kilo your opponent is bigger than you, that's an extra bit of skill you're going to need on top of his to beat him, and that's all.

I seriously doubt anything outside of what I say here will hold any water. A lot of people like to say size is irrelevant... yeah right...

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