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(#36 (permalink))
trunker (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 200
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Nagasaki
09-05-2009, 03:57 AM

this immigration thing is tricky,...

on the one hand it will make the already densely populated areas worse, and frankly, your average mr chin immigrant from china is not exactly going to head straight for the inaka. the fact is that he's gonna head straight for the big towns. which of course he has every right to do.

on the other hand, i am tired of stupidly priced staple foods like rice that are subsidised and protected industries that frankly should have failed years and years ago.

what i mean is, i dont need my apples to be lovingly handpicked by granny yamada in deepest darkest inaka, washed in the finest mountain springs and transported to my super in the utmost comfort, so they can charge me an amount that would feed an entire village in china for a month.

cheap labour immigration would get rid of so much waste here, and would stimulate the economy if people actually had a bit more to spend, and if people actually felt comfortable. sure you'll get a whole bunch of negatives that come along with unskilled labour, but i would imagine the pluses outweigh them.

one thing i found surprising here,...

for a nation that is responsible for some of the most efficient products in the history of the world,..... they are surprisingly inefficient.
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