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JF Ossan
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09-05-2009, 06:18 AM

Originally Posted by solemnclockwork View Post
Ok, good one with the "you people", Great, now I'm a right-wing extremist. (this is what making me mad most of all).
Where in the hell did I say "you people"?

Originally Posted by solemnclockwork View Post
I wouldn't put it passed them to "AstroTurf: the town-halls, would I? Tell was Van Jones a conservative lie?

If it must be said, I DO NOT LISTEN TO RUSH, AND I DO NOT WATCH SEAN ON A REGULAR BASIS, only when I don't want to change the channel and by that time I'm watching the food channel. (I actually find his show boring.)

Let me put into perspective on what I have said.

I don't believe he should be speaking to the students, why you might ask, several reasons. Right now he needs to be working on health care, and putting up a BI-partisan bill. Arguably you can say kids are important, but are they going to go down a drain if they are not spoken to by the president? I question the effectiveness of this (If it inspires one kid to do good then it was a success). One could also say he is wasting around a hour of actual class time, but that arguable too. Education system needs fixen, but talking and trying to inspire people only go so far before reality hits them. Simply put, in a way there are more pressing concerns right now then giving a speech, which could be given at a later date, while also putting the focus on education.

there is some truth in ignoring the far-lefts/rights, and not giving them a platform

Line that up with what you posted. NO where did I say, because of the content of the speech or what he might say, I wanted him to speak DID I? Thanks for putting words into my post.
So with this logic the president should not be throwing out baseballs, going to church, celebrating Christmas, roasting hotdogs, sleeping, or anything that is not about fixing health care or the education system. He would be impeached in a week. Considering the amount of vacation time the last president took, spending a few minutes encouraging students to stay in school seems like a very good use of his time. Those few minutes might make a difference in some children's lives, and dare I say I doubt anyone would be worse off by it.
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