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Nyororin (Offline)
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09-05-2009, 08:13 AM

He may have trouble as I don`t think that this would necessarily be considered "vital" information. If he is close to a station, then the apartment will actually be considered quite desirable. As there are so many rail lines and tracks in Japan, it`s not abnormal at all for apartments to sit right next to them. There may be no deception or withholding of information involved - it`s entirely possible that no one thought the train bit was important.

As strange as it sounds, I have no doubt he will actually get used to it very quickly. I used to live in an apartment with the balcony facing raised rail tracks. A train came through every 3 to 5 minutes... Within a week, I no longer even heard them and only really noticed when I was talking on the phone with someone else (would have to pause the conversation for a few seconds when one flew by.)

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