09-05-2009, 08:16 AM
while russia did "win" many battles it was due to their sheer size they had so many people they could just keep sending them until their enemy was wiped out. The main loss by germany was through operation barbossa when they wanted to enter russia in august when it was more mild weathered but mussolini screwed up so germany had to go help them then they didn't make it back to russia until december.
Russia used a scorched earth policy so they just burnt everything down so the invading armies would run out of food they even went so far as to burn down their capital. So they really only beat tired raggedy soliders. Russia did play a big part in the war but it was not all on them.
Maybe people don't care so much about their contributions to the war effort because of the whole iron curtain thing.
Also what was that about poland still being torn apart? Russia took part in the partitioning of poland and that was nearly 150 years prior to the war.