Originally Posted by solemnclockwork
Well, since you want to continue that.
You lumped EVERYONE who disagrees with the President speaking into one category, hence why I got mad.
Yes it does, when I highly parts you seem to leave out.
Your post, hence why I went and bold the parts I did. If you read what I have posted there wouldn't be a response in that way, I said that if a child gets inspired then it's Good!
MMM, Again I was not nitpicking how many hours he chooses to spend on anything, but his focus! If it was a non-argument then there wouldn't be any controversy. Just because you see one side, doesn't mean there is not another side to be seen. I would say the exact same thing for elderly and vets, why would you think I wouldn't (you use the words anyone so it does apply to me)? IT IS NOT BECAUSE OF THE CHILDREN, can you please stop with this. It shouldn't be a mystery I have completely given my view on it. where not debating what a speech is, or why a speech should be given.
First of all don't quote me as saying "you people" then highlight the words "you" and "people" in completely different paragraphs. I assumed you had misread what I had written, and it was a misunderstanding. Now I see you want to treat my posts like a jigsaw puzzle that you can mix and match words with. I don't play that.
You have still not explained why the most important and highest official in our nation should NOT address our nation's children as to why they should stay in school.
"He has better ways to spend his time" is not an argument.
As I child I was taught that even if we didn't like the policies of our president, we should respect him for the position he has earned. That level of respect has continuously been maintained for decades all up until January 20, 2009.
Suddenly people that respected the office of the president of the United States of America treat it as important as the winner of American Idol. The respect is gone. The trust is gone. And it's not because of 8 years of George W Bush.
Is this what we want to teach our children? That the man who fought hard and earned the majority of votes by the American citizens to become our president is deeply suspect and should be questioned at every turn, even at some innocuous events like telling children to stay in school?
What a sad statement for America if that is really true.
It truly sickens me that I have to type these words.
Good night.