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Tenchu (Offline)
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09-05-2009, 12:28 PM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
Why should the US celebrate the victories of one tyrant over another tyrant? They aren't going to, so why raise a stink about it? It's not like Pearl Harbor is given high praise in Moscow. Yes I'm anti communist, and I'm not ashamed of being so either.
I don't really want to get into a huge "mind-changing" debate about it. I'm just interested in what people already think.

But you're not looking at this from the right angle; a lot of people consider America to be a power mongering dictator bent on controlling others. Try looking at it from that perspective. I don't dislike Stalin, and the fact he killed to get his point accross, well, so does America... so...

Anyway, I think it sucks that the Soviet empire collapsed. It was a force that really bought balance to the world.

Also, the reason I dislike the American view of history is not just because they leave Russia out of it, but it is also very opinionated. The American version has seriously changed the world, even to the point where, I know Nazi controlled Earth would be a disaster, but a Nazi controlled Europe seems to sound better than what there is today; something that is today due a lot to US propaganda.

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