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(#40 (permalink))
jesselt (Offline)
Posts: 313
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09-05-2009, 07:08 PM

Originally Posted by samurai007 View Post
So Dems complained like crazy when Bush Sr did it, so what's good for the goose...

Besides, Obama has already proven himself untrustworthy several times, he refused to release the contents of the speech (why is it such a big secret?), his "homework" included the phrase "How can you help the President?", which suggests something the President is asking of the kids, not just "stay in school and study hard" (because why would kids need to "help the President" if that were the only message?) Obama is a weasel, and if I had kids, I sure wouldn't allow them to be subjected to Obama's lies and indoctrination like this.
As MMM pointed out, the two cases are hardly alike.

It's sad how so many people are going to try and censor their children from a simple "Stay in school" speech and feed them lines about how terrible Obama is, when they spent the previous 8 years screaming at people who didn't stand to support the president or wear a little American flag pin.

When you purposely don't let your children see opposing points of views (though you could only possibly be opposed to this speech if you were anti-schools) you are purposely brain washing them.
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