Originally Posted by Ryzorian
I can see both points. Still, the dept memo was the real concern, and yes, it has Maoist ideas behind it. Besides, if some parent doesn't want his kid to see the president, dumb as it may be, that's thier right.
Pronouncing a speech Moaist that you have not even read or heard is the height of propogandizing. To throw out such a term when the majority of your audience only knows it as a negative implication and are are largely ignorant of the specific Chairman Mao's ideas is a classic technique used in brainwashing. Either you are a victim of such, or a perpetrator. Defend your accusation and let us know which you are.
As for the issue, is seems when not enough headway was being made on serious issues the opposition had to resort to distractions such as minor issues like this speech instead of the existing debate on healthcare.
Just for the record, does the government ever address students en masse like this in Japan?