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JF Ossan
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09-06-2009, 08:19 AM

Originally Posted by solemnclockwork View Post
CAN you STOP simplifying this? I have repeatably said to you, constantly that it is NOT about every waking minute he has to be on health care. I WOULD expect you to know that is not the question here. BY extension how is what I think silly, I provided backup to my reasons wither you agree or not? Iraq and Afghanistan (he's not the commander on the ground is he?) have no bearing on this.

DUDE, I HAVE SAID THE CHILDREN TO ME IS NOT THE ISSUE, IT'S NOT ABOUT IT BEING A BAD/GOOD THING HERE (I have said it also would be a success if he inspires one child if not more) I HAVE ALSO STATED THAT, if there was no pressing concern then there wouldn't be a problem with it. Don't be smug, and please this time read what I write so I don't have to keep repeating it. On the surface I believe right now he could be focused on working on health care, while also if he does inspire a child then it was a success. It's not a black and white issue with me, don't make it into one.

At the base of inspiring children to do good is great and good, I'm not debating that. What I was questioning is whither this is the right time to focus on that. Health care reform or whatnot will be a huge effect on there lives in the future.
It is the start of the school year. When is a better time to encourage children and young adults to learn? At the end of the school year is a little late.

I can't add anything more to this without repeating myself.

Best to the president on Tuesday, and I feel sorry for the children that are not allowed to hear what he has to say to them.
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