Originally Posted by Ryzorian
I get foggy on the details but it's got something to do with insulting the prophet or something like that. It's like if you say anything bad about that particular guy, it's insulting to all muslim's everywhere, throughout time and space.
You are right it DOES work both ways. That's why I never insult people (or an entire nation) in general (and never on purpose), just the one's that show they are ignorant assholes

It's not strange that a muslim will feel offended when something
insulting has been said about prophet Muhammed. I'm not talking about justified criticism. I'm talking about people saying those things about prophet Muhammed in a way that is meant to insult. You can't deny the fact that it can be said in a more subtle way.
Let's say I want to criticise the way Teddy Roosevelt had fulfilled his presidential term. I could do this in two ways:
1. Say that I think Teddy Roosevelt was an asshole, a rapist and a liar. This would surely insult some.
2. Tell you about the historical facts that I have dug up and say that I do not agree with you and that I don't think Teddy Roosevelt has been of significant importance for the history of the U.S.A., based on those facts.
These are examples. I do not have an opinion about Teddy Roosevelt.