Originally Posted by kMal
You are right it DOES work both ways. That's why I never insult people (or an entire nation) in general (and never on purpose), just the one's that show they are ignorant assholes  .
It's not strange that a muslim will feel offended when something insulting has been said about prophet Muhammed. I'm not talking about justified criticism. I'm talking about people saying those things about prophet Muhammed in a way that is meant to insult. You can't deny the fact that it can be said in a more subtle way.
Let's say I want to criticise the way Teddy Roosevelt had fulfilled his presidential term. I could do this in two ways:
1. Say that I think Teddy Roosevelt was an asshole, a rapist and a liar. This would surely insult some.
2. Tell you about the historical facts that I have dug up and say that I do not agree with you and that I don't think Teddy Roosevelt has been of significant importance for the history of the U.S.A., based on those facts.
These are examples. I do not have an opinion about Teddy Roosevelt.
I think you are right with all your points...I am a muslim
any muslim like Prophet Mohammad more than himself....cuz he mean alot for all muslims
I feel very bad when someone said that Prophet Mohammad was a dick
even it is a opinion......it is very badand not fit to said that Prophet Mohammad was a dick...cuz he mean alot for alot of people