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mercyseverity (Offline)
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09-06-2009, 06:57 PM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
That's just a matter of proper resource management. Here's a question, if they manage whales in such a way that they can be hunted while thier numbers still increase, would you still be anti whaleing?
Yes I would be satisfied as well. At the moment I'm not sure about Japans quotas. 830 minke whales/year doesn't seem like a lot but if every whaling nation killed that many a year I think that would definitely be unsustainable, and it would be right back to full blown commercial whaling. They also kill 5 fin whales/year which is a species that is still at 1% of it original population numbers.

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
Is killing whales and dolphins bothersome becuase of sentimental value?
Sure of course that is part of it for many people. I was not born yet when flipper first aired and never watched the show. Part of it is I think is that anyone from any culture should have some restraint over destroying nature. I also think its wrong to eat any animal that once had a name it was called by it family members (look up "signature whistle") These animals are just too much like humans. They have families, play for fun and go through menopause like people. These fishermen seem to want to be so naive to that, and they think they are just like other fish. They do not even differentiate between the dolphin species.

Also, The people who are employed by whaling only do so for part of the year, they are probably fishermen as well. I do not think they would be unemployed if they stopped whaling. They could supplement whaling for Whale watching maybe? which would not require any new training or equipment. The sister city of Taiji in Broome, Australia offered to help the men who hunt dolphins to find other means of Income.
That's like what they have been doing in Canada to end the Seal hunt which sadly still goes on and being Canadian I am not proud of one bit.
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