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09-06-2009, 08:47 PM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
Russia, which was nearly exhausted just by Germany, could have survived a two front war with both Japan and Germany? not likely, and we both know it. Not to mention the fact the US was the primary source of weapons and equipment for several other nations fighting in that war before the US "offcially" joined. Includeing both Russia and China.

In fact, the only thing Chinese about it's airforce was the little emblems painted on the tails of the American fighters, flown by American pilots, fireing American bullets.

The allies winning before the US even joined? Hmmmm, seemed to me all of Europe except for Britain was occupied by Germany, half of Russia was occupied as well. If not for the US drawing the attention of Japan, it would have been pretty much all of Russia being split between Germany and Japan. You can paint the house any color you like, but the US still built it.
So you're saying because USA prevented Japan from attacking the USSR, it means they won the war. Quite your nonsense. USA alone against the axis wouldn't have won either so your point is invalid. Germany underestimated USSR and they came back and won. 60% of German's army was wiped off by USSR. Where's your USA?

And the British were winning against Rommel and after his defeat everything started to go downhill for Germany (retreating).

USA came in and fought with weakened countries, so please consider that. Would have been very different if USA was since the start.

Judging from a military standpoint, USA was the least probable country to get attacked. Germany had too much going on in Europe to mess with them. Only Japan attacked them but they were defeated. And believe me if USSR went alone since the start against Japan they would've won.

Since when is it immature to talk about pudding? Seriously, do you know the meaning of mature?
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