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(#43 (permalink))
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Asanao (Offline)
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Join Date: Sep 2009
09-06-2009, 11:09 PM

And if a white person has that attitude and ability to pull the clothes off? Will it still look emo and stupid?
I'm white, and I love Visual Kei...the music and the style. I don't know if I can pull it off with my age and weight, but I'm working on that. I'm also working on my sewing abilites, to make my own clothes when needed...
Oh. Fanplusfriend has some good visual kei stuff...just search "Visual Kei" in the search box and some nice stuff will come up. A little out of the price range for me at the moment, but again, all in good time...

Lynch. x The GazettE x Panic Channel x Versailles x Dir En Grey x Mucc x NEGA x Matenrou Opera x Deluhi x Cocklobin x Girugamesh x Zoro x 9GOATS BLACK OUT x D'espairsRay x Nightmare x Alice Nine x Sadie x Chariots x Miyavi x LM.C x SHOWTA x


RIP Jasmine You.
You will be greatly missed.
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