New to JF
Posts: 10
Join Date: Sep 2009
09-06-2009, 11:25 PM
I love your hair, Kaigazette. :3
Gimme. D<
Dish ish mine~ I didn't style it at all that day, it was just a random Myspace picture I felt like taking. :3

Lynch. x The GazettE x Panic Channel x Versailles x Dir En Grey x Mucc x NEGA x Matenrou Opera x Deluhi x Cocklobin x Girugamesh x Zoro x 9GOATS BLACK OUT x D'espairsRay x Nightmare x Alice Nine x Sadie x Chariots x Miyavi x LM.C x SHOWTA x
RIP Jasmine You.
You will be greatly missed.