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seiki (Offline)
aww fiegal
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09-07-2009, 02:37 AM

Originally Posted by wizard1231 View Post
I have wondered the same thing. What did he do to have people lose confidence in him. I admit that the economy has been slow to recover and maybe not all the results we want to see have happened yet. But the guy is a total multitasker and he is trying to do a ton of things at once. If he is sitting around doing nothing, then we have a problem.
We are always overly critical of the president if we did not vote for him. How many i voted for kerry bumper stickers did you see?
Obama has done some things that dont seem to make sense. Like telling the president of mexico the violence in their contry was the u.s.'s fault or praising jimmy carters visit to Gaza where he sided with terrorist Hamas against isreal. No president is perfect sorry to say it.
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