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(#33 (permalink))
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Kanji_The_Wanderer (Offline)
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Meggis 8th Post - 03-27-2007, 07:59 PM

The heartless fell like wheat before the scythe. Soon after they all vanished everything was silent. I stepped back to catch and looked about. Lynn was no where to be found. I moved around the halls and the staricases...not a single person was there. I sheath my blade and shrug my shoulders in annoyance. The citizens were still in hiding. I sighed a breath of relief. I hadn't fought any heartless for awhile so it was a bit refreshing to get rid of some excess energy. I hoped Lyynn didn't get too frightened. I had no idea if she has seen minions of the darkness before. I start to search around in hopes of finding her. "Maybe she went back to the inn." I think to myself. That is the only place in Hollow Bastion she knows. I jog back to the inn and she isn't there. I start to worry a little. I bite my lip in thought. Unaware of where she is, I run off and decide to head to the circular platform where you can see the grand tower across the desert. Maybe she was captivated by the sight. It is easy to stand there are stare off into the distance. Not to mention the fact that the place had a magical feeling to it. She could have been drawn there. On the platform not one person is there....
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