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Banzai (Offline)
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09-07-2009, 05:25 PM

Originally Posted by spicytuna View Post
If you're insistent on living a low quality of life while facing obstacles, here's my suggestion. Spend the next 3 years in a crowded student dorm buried in text books while living off of Kraft Dinner.

Here's the simple fact - You can't live in Japan without a visa and a visa requires a degree or xx years of relevant experience. (And no, they don't issue visas for janitors, dish washers, garbage collectors, etc.)

Sure, you can stay in Japan for a year with the working holiday visa but like Firebird said, it's simply a holiday for you to experience the country. It's not meant to be a stepping stone to get into Japan and it certainly won't lead to permanent residency.
Nonetheless, it be a nice experience in my opinion.


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