09-08-2009, 03:59 AM
Yes, I'm serious about Russia, thier missles would never get here. My brothers AF intel, the US has stuff weapon wise that we haven't even deployed yet, we could we just don't. Those "Future Weapons" shows you can watch on History Channle? Those are old weapons already, you wouldn't have top secret weapons that were currently being developed, shown on a public tv show. It's just like the 117 Stealth, that thing is nearly 30 years old allready, we have much better stuff than that we are working on.
Our radar systems for our anti missles systems can detect the rotation of a basketball thrown into the air in Miami, from New York. Many people suspect that we are upset about North Korea's missle launches, not because they pose a threat, but because it could force us to reveal just how capable our anti missle system really is.
It is true that Germany had better stuff, but they were slow in building it. The Germans managed to build 1100 tigers, the US built over 40,000 Shermans..and that was just the Shermans. This has nothing to do with who was braver or had better generals, all the sides had both brave troops and good generals. It boils down to numbers, the US had them to such a dagree that Germany and Japan couldn't keep up.
Consider this, your a chess master with a regular set of chess pieces. Your opponant is also a chess master, but he has 5 times the number of pieces. Not only that, for every one piece you manage to replace, he can replace 5. Plus, as the match wears on, he is able to increase the number of replacements by 6, then 7, then 8..while you loose the ability to even replace the one. Who do you think will win?
The same thing happened to the South during it's war with the North. Lee's 85,000 would meet the Union's 100,000. Lee was a better general, so he could out battle the slightly larger army. However, he couldn't replace his losses and the North could. By the end he had 40,000 tired, beraggled troops and the North had 100,000, just in that army faceing him..they had several other armies roaming around as well by that time...includeing one that went through Georgia.