Originally Posted by noodle
Oh dear, Tenchu, did you really say that? All terrorists out there are Muslims now right? hahahaaa... dude, that's worse than the Americans you take the piss out of!
Don't lose your class, Noodle. You know what I mean.
Originally Posted by noodle
Dude, seriously, are you agreeing with someone that thinks a half muslim exists? and produces one of the most anti-islam websites out there as proof of his opinion? I use that websites for jokes sometimes... it once quoted a verse from the qur'an saying how it promotes killing for the sake of it. When I looked up the verse in the Qur'an, it simply took a couple words from the start, and a couple words from the end of the verse and made it to whatever they wanted. lol.
If you didn't train in Muay Thai, I'd go buy a plane ticket to Thailand just to bit*h slap you for the nonesense you're coming out with. 
I didn't post that website. I know by now that the verse can sometimes be interpreted wrongly by evil Jews, so now when I quote a verse from the Quran, I Google it for alternate translations to be sure it's a true one.
Noodle, if you seriously came all the way to Thailand to bitch slap me, I wouldn't fight back. I'd let you hit me as much as you like without retaliation for respect for your determination!
Originally Posted by noodle
ahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! dude, seriously? If that were the case and I was guranteed sex that many times a day, I would be married by now, lol. Come on now, when you talk crap about things, you usually have some truth in it!
It's a Muslim law in Afghanistan. I remember when it came up because the Americans were pissed off about it. They'd lost all those soldiers fighting for a new government, and they get one that sanctions rape against children...
Originally Posted by noodle
And btw, before you start getting examples of extremist middle eastern people, you need to know that the majority of muslims hate these people more than you do! The way I see those people is basically like a Vegetarian eating Meat. They do as they please and label themselves with something!
I've heard that before and I've no doubt it's true.
I'm just really curious as to why the same book inspires so many people to do the same things if it apparently speaks out so deeply against it.
If Muhammad never intended for what is going on to be happening, then it is clear he poorly wrote the Quran, as so much misinterpretation is going on. This only helps confirm my original theory that he was not only a dick, but a careless dick at that (remember, I'm not supposed to be arguing against Islam, just expressing my right to call who I want a dick).
Originally Posted by Ryzorian
Look, it's pointless to argue with people of faith, any faith. They believe and that's not something you can try to out reason.
I never wanted to talk about faith. I just called one man a dick, and this is what happens.
Originally Posted by urca
so what..huh
you said it by your own tongue,if you've insulted obama,none would be mad.
but theres a big difference,cuz PROPHET is a messenger of god,president is just a holder of a country or something,which makes a big difference
obama wouldnt teach behaviors,his job is to hold anr ogranize america only,hes not into the ethics and behavior..
as i've said again,hes a prophet,he sends a message of god,and teaches people about the religion etc
i'll be back later to continue.. 
Fux sake...
Put it this way; people also thought Charles Manson was a prophet. Should we show him unconditional respect just because others thought it necessary? I don't think so.
You cannot expect people to unconditionally respect a man who they view as nothing more than a deluded tribal master.