Originally Posted by samurai007
Maybe try thinking of it this way, Nyororin. You said yourself that you are now rather distanced from US politics and such, so imagine that one of the leaders of the Uyoku dantai (those racists in the black vans) was going to give a speech at your child's school. The guy claims that the speech will be harmless, just "stay in school, work hard, etc", but he refuses to release the speech ahead of time. The homework assignment that goes with the speech originally says "How can I (your child) help the Uyoku dantai?", but when there's an uproar, they change it, claiming it was a "mistake".
You know, I really do not think that is a balanced comparison. Obama would have to be the head of the KKK to fall into the same box as an Uyoku Dantai guy. He would have had to have asked the children to write "What will you do to help the Democratic Party?" He would also have to be making the trip to personally give the speech at my son`s school.
As far as I know, that most certainly isn`t the case.
But you know, if it WERE, I would question the school and their reasons for inviting him.
I`ll toss out a comparison that seems more realistic. A PM, who I do not agree with the policies of and do not like as a person, is going to give a televised speech to all children. The speech will be shown in schools, with no prior release of the contents. Homework asking children "What can I do to help the PM? / What can I do to help the country of Japan?" was released...
Do you trust this guy to merely give a harmless message, despite his previous rhetoric and beliefs?
In the case of an uyoku guy giving a private speech in a small venue - no. In the case of a hated PM giving a televised speech, yes. There is only so much you can pull off in a speech that will have a wide and varied audience. The PM would have to be crazy to think that no one would pay attention, therefore would be very limited in what he could say even if his total intent was to push his ideals upon the students.
Do you trust that, even if he should veer into ideological propaganda, you've taught your child well enough that it won't take hold even 1 iota, no matter how charismatic the guy may be?
In both cases, yes.
I would actually be somewhat pleased if he pulled out crap that I was strongly against, as I could use it against him. If the uyoku guy spouted racist crap, I would have no qualms about using the fact that it isn`t true and as a family we should pretty well know this to put him down in my home and to my child.
In the case of the PM, I have no doubt that whatever it would be would have to be of a milder degree (as I pointed out above), but I`m totally sure I could make use of it to support the fact that our household beliefs were better and that we shouldn`t believe or trust him.
Or do you worry for your child and perhaps keep him home that day, because that is not the kind of role model you want telling your kids what to do?
The only case I would keep my son home and away from it were if there were a clear possibility that he could be singled out in some way by the speech giver. A private speech by an uyoku guy - there is the vague possibility. A televised speech, by either uyoku or PM, eliminates that possibility.
Now, you are probably already saying "but Obama is nothing like the Uyoku dantai..." No, he's far more dangerous, because he has much more power and influence than they'll ever hope to have, and the willing obedience of most of the media and 92% of American teachers, and views that could well destroy this country...
Like or not like the uyoku, I would still be waiting to jump on whatever was presented in the speech that I did not agree with. Not screaming about the possibility that there might be something in the speech that I wouldn`t like.
Sorry if this isn`t the answer you wanted to pull from me, but that is just how I am. I`d rather listen and discount than get worked up without something solid in hand.
A speech presenting points I seriously did not agree with would be a GREAT way to teach a child that this is someone not to be trusted - that this is someone we should not be agreeing with. And if the speech does turn out to be harmless, great.
I am distanced from US politics, and can`t really say anything either way about Obama. But no matter what, I hope for something positive as he was elected to office and is in there for the rest of his term.