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Tenchu (Offline)
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09-08-2009, 11:26 AM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
-Why is God not explicit in his message to us mere mortals?

I mean for an all powerful being... he should've foreseen the problems that have arisen since due to misinterpretation as you put it.

Furthermore even if for some reason he did screw it up (which kind of contradicts the all-powerful part of his description...) why did he not release an updated version? (Or perhaps that is what the book of Mormon is hahaha!)
Yeah. I find that funny, also; Muhammad claimed Jesus and Moses were prophets, yet they just fu**ed everything up. Not very professional.

The secular answer to your question, Ronin, would be "God is testing us"; if he tells people about himself and heaven in a manner that will leave no doubt and no denying the proof, all people will be good people just to get into heaven.

But, as we know from observing your behaviour over the years, all people are not good people. So, in leaving doubt about his existence, he can provide a little social guidence in the background, yet still enough freedom in daily affairs to allow us to show our true character, and thus on judgement day he can weed out the impure or false hearted with ease.

Of course, this also has another implication; Muhammad was a dick. You see, Muhammad thought he was undenyable, and all would and must convert under his undisputable truth, and those who don't after hearing his word deserve to burn in hell for eternity.

So, if Muhammad is right, then yes, he's also a dick. As his words are not undisputable and convincing and so he should not blame us.

And, if he is wrong, he would also be a dick in this case, too, because he clearly does not see that God did not give him enough help to prove everything to everyone because God wanted to test us.

Either way, things are looking pretty darn bad for Muhammad.

Anyway... carry on...

The eternal Saint is calling, through the ages she has told. The ages have not listened; the will of faith has grown old…

For forever she will wander, for forever she withholds; the Demon King is on his way, you’d best not be learned untold…