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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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09-08-2009, 11:45 AM

Originally Posted by samurai007 View Post
Nationalizing GM, taking over the banks, dictating salaries, attempting to take over healthcare, appointed admitted socialists (such as Van Jones and Carol Browner) to positions of high authority, telling people that he wants to "spread the wealth around", attempting to ban secret ballot votes for unions, funneling $50 million to anti-capitalist programs through the Annenberg Challenge foundation, "living wage", supported by the Socialist Party, "clinging to guns and religion", and more.
Oh FFS...

Rescuing GM and bailing out and regulating the banks (the only regulation he seems to be implementing that I'm aware of seems to be to control all the bailout money being given to them so that it's used as intended.... not an unreasonable thing to do), and nationalising health care doesn't make him a socialist. Nor does banning secret ballot votes for unions in itself or supporting something that the Socialist party also happens to support. (Though admittedly I know nothing about these incidents)

In any case such things are not unprecedented in liberal Democratic countries. In fact didn't George W Bush approve the original stimulus package? Why isn't he a socialist? At the very least he betrayed his free market principles...

Untill Obama completely announces his plans to centralise the US economy and to make the US a one party state then your socialist tag fails.

It seems to me that a belief that any sort of government intervention could be beneficial makes someone a socialist in America...

News flash... it doesn't. It just means that they're not a free-market fundamentalist.

Furthermore the socialist tag is simply a buzzword used by right wing Americans to scare the ignorant and stupid (of which there seems to be a lot of) into associating Obama with Stalin and Mao. It's such a ridiculuous strategy.... but more ridiculuous is that it works and people like you who claim to be educated perpetuate it.
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