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(#237 (permalink))
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loveskyliemole (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 413
Join Date: May 2008
なるほど~ - 09-08-2009, 02:16 PM


(I see...
"strict and serious teachers wanted" could sound like THAT...
mmm interesting!)


How have you been everyone?

I have been really tired recently...feeling old...
Anyway I know Im much older than most of you guys here...
I think I need to get out from Japan to refresh!(or to be refreshed?)!

I haven't travelled overseas for a long time but
I had many guests from overseas instead.
My friends from Australia,Spain,Canada,USA,Brazile,HK and NewZealand visited me and I had a great time.
You know what?
I also met 3 girls from this forum.
1 girl from Singapore and and 2 girls from USA.
It was lovely to meet them in the real world (how do you call it? the internet world?-the real world?)

So when you feel like coming to Japan,
just let me know!
I might be able to help you a little bit.

Please feel free to leave your questions about Japanese here

have a good day everyone

kylie Mole Rules I miss her !!!!

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