Fux sake...
Put it this way; people also thought Charles Manson was a prophet. Should we show him unconditional respect just because others thought it necessary? I don't think so.
You cannot expect people to unconditionally respect a man who they view as nothing more than a deluded tribal master.
'they view'
the mistake is from you and 'the people',since you didnt read about prophet muhammed,dont talk 'bout em,especially that your view is a bit narrow,that you barely know a thing or two 'bout prophet muhammed.
If I knew this was your only problem with Islam, I woulda given you the answer a long time ago.
The way it works, is very very very simple... You get someone that wants to be in power. He starts off by creating a version of the Qur'an, that he wants. And I'm not talking about translated versions either, pure arabic versions. I read one of these once. The first page, a verse which said in the proper Qur'an that you should defend yourself against Christians and Jews should they attack you, your faith, your family or those around you was turned into "You should Kill ALL Jews and Christians, they are infidels"! That's the first step.
Then you get them while they're young. Brainwash them while they're young and get them to do whatever you want by misquoting verses or just quoting changed verses. This is very simple to do, and it even happens in better off countries like France and Algeria. I avoid most of my muslims friends because they never thought to themselves, they were force fed the religion. They even go as far as to say failing their exam was "the will of Allah". Everything is the will of Allah to them, as if we have no control over what we do!
That's all it is! Get someone in power, he gets his own version of the qur'an written, and brainwashes people. Then all the small things in between. Poverty used as an excuse "We are suffering because we haven't been good muslims. We haven't defeneded our land from the Americans or Jews, so go forth my children and kill, save this land for the next generation! GO!!!!"
So, in all honesty, people that have read the Qur'an out of their own will, and really wanted to understand without being forced into it will have misinterpretations about the scientific stuff in it, the social stuff, or even the afterlife stuff! No one ever argues about whether it's okay to kill or hurt someone. In the most simplest terms, the Qur'an's main message is to always further your studies and try to be the best at whatever you persue, and to always treat humans and all of god's creations with the utmost respect! If you do these things, you are already a pretty good muslim.
in arabic,thats called المذاهب
our prophet even spoke 'bout it that there will be 70 or 73 beleifs,69 or 72 will go to hell,one will go to heaven.
and those beleifs none follows it except ignorants and ones who looks for their benefits
and all of the muslims knows 'bout those beleifs,and they know that the only right beleif is al sunnah wal jama'aah's beleif,unlike the other ones that it would need a whole book to talk about.
and none got a new version of quran by the way,quran is one only and it wont change,in saudi arabia theyre working on printing a translated quran for muslims in europe n america n africa,cuz of the fail tries to fake out quran