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TalnSG (Offline)
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09-08-2009, 04:55 PM

Two things come to mind now that the firestorm is cooling a bit.

1. Did any of us really pay much attention to speeches given by people in authority when we were in school? Anyone over the age or 10? No, we didn't give much thought at all. So just how is a short speech on TV expected to brainwash a kid sitting there who is focused on everything else they could be doing instead of listening to a boring speech? Get real!

2. At least all the furor means that far more people are paying attention to what is going on in Washington and getting of their apathetic, lazy back-sides. Now, if they would only put their brain in gear before their mouths and think thing through instead of delivering the usual knee-jerk reactions things might improve a little.

Only an open mind and open heart can be filled with life.
Find your voice; silence will not protect you.
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