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(#274 (permalink))
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Miyavifan (Offline)
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09-08-2009, 05:56 PM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
No. Until you pointed the "hate crime" finger, I was having a perfectly normal conversation about Heros. Other people (*cough*Ronin*cough*) call my Heros weeners, and I settled for just calling them gay in return. Why do you refuse to accept some people do not like everyone you like and have to take it a step further?

Yeah, well... I dunno what to say about that. I'm just a bit disgruntled they bombed the f*c*i*g s*i* out of Lebanon and no one gave a f*c* whatsoever.

You know, that kind of stuff can really hurt a caring person. If I'm anti-Jew (not anti-semetic; please state where I said anything against blood), then so be it! It's just, you know, some people have to stand up for these pushed around minorities.
Anti-semitic is pretty much being anti-Jewish.

Antisemitism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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